
Ruby Slippers

Information: Public and Private, what it means..

The Public (Democracy) and the Private (the Republic)

You can’t give up your inalienable rights, they are always there they’re inalienable, they are God given, the only one that can take them is God, but you can contract them away, and in this world we have two forms of government the Democracy and Republic; Democracy and Republic are two forms of government which are distinguished by their treatment of the Minority, and the Individual, by the Majority.

In a Democracy, the majority has unlimited power over the minority. This system of government does not provide a legal safeguard of the rights of the individual and the minority. it has been referred to as “Majority over Man”. You can be a victim in a Democracy if you don’t know the rules.

In a Republic, the Majority is limited and constrained by a written constitution which protects the rights of the individual and the minority. the purpose of a republic form of government is to control the majority and to protect the God-given, inalienable rights and liberty of the individual. The United States of America is founded as a Republic under the Constitution.

When they say “we the people” they’re not talking about individuals out there. The people out there are talking about the representatives of the state and you can find that in the Bill of Rights.- You don’t consider yourself to be a United States citizen do you?.

You are absolutely not a corporate citizen! The name of the state, (i.e. California), you live in is your country.

Now of course your allegiance is to Almighty God. It’s not “to the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands.”

Your allegiance is to Almighty God, so I certainly wouldn’t be doing any Pledge of Allegiance to a United States corporate flag. But everybody gets to choose to and take what they get.

It is the STRAWMAN’s account that generates all the money. You can’t (the sovereign)  interact with the public; only the STRAWMAN (bailor) can. You’re the Trustee for the STRAWMAN and you’re responsible. Your body (to which they hold Title) is surety for the trust.

Webster’s defines a name as a word by which a person or thing is known; a word of the speech sound or series of speech sounds that communicates a meaning.

Sovereign’s (creditors) operate in the Republic outside the Democracy. Without the United States

Your STRAWMAN (fiction debtor) acts in the Democracy.

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